Monday, June 9, 2008

Column of Leaves Chart

No, we have not abandoned this blog permanently... I (Bridget) have just been insanely busy, and I haven't gotten the chance to teach my mom how to use Blogger yet. Hopefully more regular updates will start to happen eventually. In the meantime...

Right now I'm about eight repeats into Brooke Nelson's beautiful Column of Leaves scarf. You can see my version (in Schaefer Judith) on Ravelry. Since I had a hard time with the three separate charts, I've Excel'd it into one big chart (it prints onto one page in landscape format). I thought it might be useful to other people, so you can download the PDF here.

Okay, back to work for me! Gotta get everything done fast today so I can pop over to Windsor Button later this afternoon...

[7/22/08: Brooke has now posted an updated version of the pattern with a new, single chart.]


Vickie said...

I'm sure glad I found your nice chart! Thank you for putting this together and sharing it with us. I'll be casting on the Column of Leaves scarf and this will definitely help.

Brooke said...

Hi Bridget, I'm Brooke, the author of the pattern. Thanks so much for improving the chart. I have been meaning to update it for a while now, and I actually posted a new and improved version on my web site before I saw yours. It's now part of the printer-friendly pattern and can be found here: The chart is on the last page of the pattern.

I like your colorful chart, that is a great idea. Thanks for doing this!


Bridget Samuels said...

Brooke, the new chart looks great! I am really enjoying this scarf--it's turning out beautifully (and it's the first time a lace pattern hasn't driven me crazy)!